Stuck in/on a Bubble

It is estimated that the evolution of humans, the modern human we know today, started around 200,000-250,000 years ago.

This is when humans, became human (Homo sapiens).

In 1987 Nike released the Nike Air Max and started to further undo the 200k years of gait evolution.

Popular culture and fashion has embraced air filled shoes since the 90's, but more so than ever I see fashion over function invade the fitness industry.

Around the same time in 2013 when Instagram started finding its feet, a study was published on muscle activation between squatting on a stable surface vs. an unstable surface.

Irrespective of the surface, the study shows that the more weight lifted, the more muscle activated.

No more muscle activation occurred on an unstable surface.

BUT! Participants had a 40% decrease in load lifted on an unstable surface!

So, what's happening to your feet and load transfer under your bubbles of air?

You're going against nature and not being grounded, to the ground.

These shoes have a high lift from the ground and normally a large heal toe drop.

If you want instability training, don't do it through your shoes.

And from what I see in my clinic, numerous (not all) ankle, knee and hip injuries could have possibly been avoided through better footwear. 

Better footwear starts with something as simple as being branded Barefoot. This means a more stable construction, no air bubbles and a minimal heal-toe drop, 4mm or less.

You are not supporting your feet and ankles rolling about in the most expensive balloons you'll ever spend your money on.

Healthy feet, ankles, knees and hips?…

Take the fashion culture from your feet get grounded to correct foot structure. 

Choose footwear based on your training goals.

Darran Byrne-Ryan